Portrait of a Man, 2022

Portrait of a Man, 2022

14"x18" Hand-Cut Paper Painting


This artwork is part of my experimental series where I tried out some new techniques. I used chalk and charcoal on the paper before cutting it, and the interesting thing is, I didn't know how it would turn out until I finished cutting and flipped it over. I've really enjoyed this process!

In this series, I also played around with the placement of the subjects, breaking some artistic rules, but it was totally worth it!

The artwork consists of two parts: a hand-cut paper foreground with chalk and charcoal, and a canvas background with acrylic paint, chalk, and charcoal.

Mixed media
Acid-free mix media paper, Chalk, Charcoal, Acrylic paint, Canvas
This artwork is framed in a cherry floating frame I built by hand.


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